Tuesday 15 January 2013

Baby Riley makes his debut at last !!!!

At last his is here and as cute as a button and looking just like our Chloe. He weighed in at 8lb 2oz and made sure we knew he had arrived lol.

Whilst waiting to go to theatre we thought we would have a little fashion show just for fun as we looked so dapper in our hospital attire .

 See The hosp.ital can,t even be bothered to put toes in there support stockings anymore lol
 I do think that Candy's outfit was much better than mine though and as for size lol we could both have fitted in my trousers ;o)
 One hour later and here we are , a not very amused Riley who was quite comfy were he was thank you !!
                                But lifes not so bad with nice warm clothes and Mummy to give me a cuddle


  1. Congratulations and jubilations! Great news! Another son for Candy, a fourth grandson for you and a little brother for Bailey and Chloe.
    So pleased to hear that all went well with the birth and that you behaved yourself as Candy's birthing partner and didn't pass out.
    Looks like he had a really big cry on entering the world but luckily after a bath, warm clothes and a cuddle from his mother all is now calm and peaceful.
    Isn't giving birth to a new life just amazing?
    Love, good health and happiness to you all, from Kendal.xx
    PS. You certainly looked the part in your scrubs.

  2. Wonderful news Shelly and many congratulations to Candy who I must say looks very glamorous in her gown! How wonderful to have been there with Candy, what an experience! I hope all goes well from here on in.

  3. Well girls, how special do you both look :)
    I have been checking your blog on and off all day and have just got back from taking my canine crew for a walk. I am SO pleased for all of you that Riley has arrived safe and sound and Candy is fine as well. Congratulations!! He is absolutely gorgeous!!! Please give him a big hug from Merrick and me who is just as pleased as I am that he is finally here (she has been asking me everyday if there is any news of his arrival) A wonderful start to 2013! If Candy (or you) gets fed up with him pop him in a box and send him to me (you know the address!!)

  4. Thank you so much for all the lovely comments , Bailey and Chloe are on there way to meet him right now they are so very excited , Have instructed everyone to take lots of pics for me . I am currently laid up on the Sofa with a very sore foot ;o( so won,t be back to the hospital until I have rested or learnt how to walk on my crutches lol .More pics to follow soon. Oh Ronny you should come have a cuddle in person !! love Shelly xxxxx

  5. Congratulations and best wishes to Candy and little Riley, who looks little a little darling!
    Love Dee

  6. What a fashion show, girls. Why didn't you top of your outfits with a cute little hat like Riley's though?
    So happy for you all.
    Jenni xxx

    1. Oh Jenni we were given some very fashionable hair nets to wear too but thankfully after we had our fashion show lol xxx

  7. Congratulations Candy on your birth of baby Riley today! Also best wishes to Bailey and Cloe for becoming big brother and sister to Riley also, lol.
    Well done to you also Shelly for being there at the birth!!!
    I am so please for you all!
    Love Steve xxxxx

  8. Awww congratulations to you all on the safe arrival of baby Riley!! And what a handsome little fellow he is too! Love his little button nose!
    Biggest hugs Sharon in Spain xxxx

  9. Wonderful news, I am so glad his birth went without a hitch. congratulations!!!
