Thursday 4 October 2012

My lovely pic of Jacob given to me today ;o)

Can,t believe in just over a week he will be One years old , Wow time flies quickly ;o(


  1. He is gorgeous Shelly!!! If he is ever looking for a new home...look no further....I'll have him :)

  2. What a sweetie ! and already got a career planned as a DJ!

    1. Doubt his record collection would last very long Dee ;o) xx

  3. Right, I'm very interested in this Gregor baby!
    Can I have first refusal until you can email me with his price and list/describe his faults (with closer photos if necessary.) Does he have his original stringing and gold/silver tag and what clothing is he being sold in?
    Would you ask the seller if layaway is available whilst I sort out some dolls to send down to you for sale?
    Sasha love from Kendal.

    1. This made me laugh so much when I read this Kendal! Problem is I don't think he will fit into DOLLYDOODLE babywear :)

    2. Perhaps I could ask Judith to make a range of 'PLUS' sizes.
      I could send him down for measurements to be taken (as I originally did with one of my baby Gregors) though wouldn't be prepared to leave him with her until she purchased her own as I did with baby 'Scary!'
      Sasha love from Kendal.

    3. Now Kendal where would I even start with his listing , he is of course priceless ;o) he has many faults one being he has just learnt how to pull of my Living room wallpaper and thinks cupboards should always be open and everything out on the floor . My earrings are for pulling and my glasses for placing little finger prints on but he does now nod no whilst doing these acts lol . His stringing is good and all original , no tags though, he would have eaten them lol. He does not have sand coming from his joints but we won,t even go there lol .... He comes in whatever outfit he has not yet destroyed with food ;o)
      love Shelly xxx

  4. nice to see a REAL baby for a change!!,love Kendal's comment too,what a lovely little lad he is !,One nearly already?heavens,where does time go? (I think I know the answer to,more work at home...and then a lot of time spent looking at Sasha blogs!!!x Love to you

    1. Hi Chris
      Time flies for sure , Candy is expecting a little boy in January so that will be four Grandsons and only one Granddaughter we are being out numbered here lol .
      love Shelly xxx
